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Cosplay Deviants

Online community that gathers together people who love cosplaying under one roof to admire the beauty and costumes of some of the hottest babes around! Not only that, but you can interact with other fans and share your own pictures and videos as well as sharing in your respective geekery! This is the sexy side of nerd-dom!

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Cosplay Deviants

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Cosplay Deviants - Free Porn Games Galleries

We all know how attractive cosplay artists are. Women who cosplay are a unique set of beauties. Their bodies are perfection, their cosplay talents are awesome, and I like to think that all cosplay ladies are filthy as hell. This is for my own sordid purposes, of course. But Cosplay Deviants is proving that my thinking might not be too far fetched. If you love cosplay but wish the ladies were as close to naked as possible while remaining in character, then Cosplay Deviants is a must-see. While this site isn't perfect, it is probably the best cosplay site I have seen in a long time.

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Cosplay Deviants is a site made out of love. While some other porn sites are very corporate and cold, this one is clearly focused on a growing community of Cosplay fans who enjoy the roleplaying aspects of anime brought to life with exciting costumes, backstory and passion. A much better site for pictorial fans than video fans but one that is growing and should become a favorite among the entire cosplay community soon enough.

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